M11: DNSSEC Deployment in TLD and SLD


The M11 metrics analyze the Deployment of DNSSEC in TLDs and second level domains (such as "example.com") across 8 categories: gTLD, ccTLD, top 100, 101 to 1,000, 1,001 to 10,000, 10,001 to 100000, and 100,001 to 1M domains in the "Majectic Million" list, and names in the COM zone (See About M11 page for details.) For each category, we track the total deployment number and also the usage of specific DNS algorithms.

The following graph shows the usage of DNS SEC algorithms across these categories. A tabulated version of the same data is available here.

DNSSEC Algorithms usage

The following table shows the data underlying the graph at the top of this page :

Table M11 top not found

DNSSEC usage by top DNS providers

The following table shows DNSSEC usage statistic for the top 20 DNS providers for the "million" list. The definition of providers is the same as used in metric M9.

Table M11 providers not found.

DNSSEC usage by top TLD

The following table shows DNSSEC usage statistic for the TLD to which at least 0.1% of the "million" list belong.

Table M11 TLDs not found.