EAI: Email Address Internationalization support in mail servers


The EAI metrics track the Email Address Internationalization (EAI) support on mail exchanger (MX) servers of second level domain names across participating Top Level Domains (TLDs). See About EAI for details. The data is presented in the EAI TLD table below. The EAI TLD table includes one line per TLD, showing the MX records or registered in that TLD, or the IP addresses used by these MX records. The EAI Summary Table shows the count of unique domain names found in these MX records.

The CSV files for previous measurements are available here.

Summary Table

The TLD table lists the total number of MX records found when scanning the zone files for each TLD listed, and the total number of IP addresses associated with the MX records of the TLD. The summary table below lists the number of unique domain names present in the MX records across all TLD, and the number of unique IP addresses associated with these MX records.

-- not found --


The table is quite large. The controls below can be used to navigate to specific slices of the data.


Table EAI TLD not found